“But girls love girls and boys, and love is not a choice”

“But girls love girls and boys, and love is not a choice”*

Why is the world so full of prejudice? Why are people so ready to tear others apart for no good reason?

I’m sick of people assuming things about me. Most recently I’m tired of people making assumptions about my sexuality based on my gender and the gender of my current partner.

It honestly scares me that the world is so black and white to some people. And that any variation to their rigid world is a reason to be disgusted or to attack a fellow human being.

Imagine if some of these people in my life knew anything about me other than the shiny, false veneer I present every day? What if they knew the truth about my mental health? My sexuality? My inner most thoughts and feelings? 

Judgement is a terrible human trait.

RGW xx

*”Girls/Girls/Boys” Panic! At The Disco… thank you for the words.

“I reserve my right to feel uncomfortable reserve my right to be afraid”

“I reserve my right to feel uncomfortable reserve my right to be afraid”*

I saw him yesterday.

I don’t know why but it never occurred to me that I would see him again. After he stopped trying to contact me I had decided it was the end. It never even entered my head that I might just see him around.

But I did.

I was walking out of the supermarket on my own (boyfriend had gone to load the car and I had hung back to look at the flowers) and there he was. He was walking into the supermarket with some woman I don’t know.

She was prettier than me, slimmer than me… probably more mentally stable than me. My replacement. He swapped the girlfriend he could never have for this new and improved version. 

Perhaps I’m being unfair, I’m only assuming they were together in a sexual sense. He had his arm around her but then he used to do that to me so who knows?

It’s not the point. The point is all I could think was ‘he knows my secret’

He’s a loose cannon, a threat to my well concealed true self. When he first walked away it did cross my mind he might tell someone but when nobody confronted me I guessed he was keeping my secret for me. But seeing him brought it all rushing back – he knows. And at any moment he might decide to tell everyone he knows all about me.

He has this power over me – the power to make me feel awkward, uncomfortable and afraid. Just seeing him has proven all of that. He also has the power to ruin my life.

I don’t think he saw me – there were people between us and he wasn’t looking in my direction, I’ve also changed my hair pretty dramatically since he last saw me. It makes me worry though, if he does see me will it bring it all back to him, put me back at the front of his mind and make him realise the power he has?

The terror of being exposed is running through me, if he opens his mouth then there’s nowhere for me to hide. I’m not sure I can live my life on someone else’s terms, dancing to their tune.

RGW xx

*”Sometimes You’re The Hammer, Sometimes You’re The Nail” A Day To Remember… thank you for the words. 

“Claustrophobic, closing in and I’m catastrophic, not again”

Claustrophobic, closing in and I’m catastrophic, not again”*

This is a kind of rant of a post but also, I feel, a duty to all my fellow worries, phobics and general anxiety struggling people and a lesson to those selfish, ignorant members of society who continue to ignore us all – mainly it’s a lesson for those people.

I hate to fly. No ifs or buts and I won’t be convinced otherwise. I hate it.

Luckily I rarely fly; everywhere I like to go is easily accessible by car or train, occasionally boat. Sometimes though it’s beyond my control – like this weekend.

This weekend I had to fly, for work purposes. I would have preferred to make the time consuming drive but it was very last minute and I only had to be away one night so I had to fly.

I dread it. From the minute I know I have to do it I’m fucking terrified. Trapped, in that tiny space with all those people. People in front, people behind, people sitting so close and crammed in that they are touching you. The tiny little aisle, also full of people, and those ridiculous toilets.

On top of all that there’s the actual flying. The list of things that can go wrong is endless. I’ve thought of every single way you could possible die while flying, probably made up a few as well. They all seem very real and imminent whenever I have to fly.

So with shaking legs, watery eyes and a vice tight panicked grip on my boarding card, I reluctantly board the plane. The ever smiley cabin crew member greets me and asks if I require any assistance. I manage to shake my head and stumble to my seat.

It’s the window seat and the middle and aisle seats are already taken by a couple. After standing by them for a few seconds in silence they realise I’m the occupant of that empty seat. I move to the side so they can shuffle out without touching me (though he still manages to).

Immediately, I mean the second I’m in my seat, my seat belt is on. I turn to thank the couple for moving but they are staring at me like I’m eating a live puppy so I just swallow and turn away again.

It’s an agonisingly long time sat on the tarmac. Every single noise the plane makes has my heart doubling in pace. I try to breathe and close my eyes to drown it all out but it only intensifies everything.

Eventually we start to move, slowly rolling backwards, and I let out a little whimper. I instantly try and suck it back in but it’s out there, too late. I hear the woman whisper to her partner that she wishes she had swapped seats with him (she’s sat next to me).

I scrunch my eyes closed tighter and grip hold of the arm rests. The plane stops and I know we are at the start of the runway, we are waiting for clearance and I know what’s happening next.

As if my eyes are hard wired to the planes engineering, as soon as those engines kick in I start to cry. I’m not making any noise but I can feel the big, wet tears rolling down my face as I contemplate my fiery destruction that will surely occur in seconds. My breathing is far beyond anything resembling normal and I’m so deep into the arm rests you can barely see my fingernails. I should expect it since it happens every time I fly but it never gets easier.

The couple next to me continue to whisper about me as though my closed eyes mean I’m suddenly deaf… “What’s wrong with her?” “Don’t know but it’s a waste of a window seat if she isn’t gonna open her eyes.” “Yeah, I’d kill for the view, I love takeoff – the power, the speed… she’s an idiot missing it all… yep, that’s it we’re off the ground!” “Up, up and away!” “Shame I didn’t swap seats with her.”

Here’s the lesson, people:

If you ever find yourself on a plane and you think the person next to you might be a little afraid – you can probably tell this from the way their knuckles are turning white, their gasping shallow breaths are louder than the engine and they are crying more than someone watching Schindler’s List for the first time – please don’t be a total dick about it.

It would have taken absolutely nothing for one of them to lean over and just whisper “Are you ok?” It wouldn’t have cost them a penny to put a comforting hand on my arm or tell me not to worry. 

But it would have meant the world me, it would have been worth more than any sum of money.

Instead they chose to judge, to ridicule, to be selfish when another human being was so obviously in need of some help.

Thanks humanity, thanks for nothing.

Try and be kind to each other, it’s really all we have.

RGW xx

*”Before I Forget” Slipknot… thank you for the words.

“I sit around and watch the tube but nothing’s on…”

“I sit around and watch the tube but nothing’s on…”*

Quite literally.

Yesterday I sat staring at blank television screen, television turned off, for about two hours.

At first I enjoyed the tranquil peace it brought. The emptiness, the lack of visual or auditory stimuli.

But after a while my mood totally flipped. The silence was too much. The starkness of the screen and the horrifying reflection of me and my room, mirrored back, was haunting.

I couldn’t make myself move to turn the television on so I reached for my trusty headphones and stuck my calming playlist on my iPod.

It wasn’t calming though, the beat was too heavy, the words too harsh and sharp. That taunting silent black mirror in the corner of the room was only emphasised by the polar opposite of the bass thrumming in my ears.

My boyfriend came home not too long into my playlist. Like he knew instinctively what the problem was, or he just wanted to catch the news, he immediately flicked the television on then sat next to me without saying a word and took my hand.

We didn’t discuss it when I eventually took my earphones out. I was too scared to tell him how long I had spent  in the room staring. Or how drastically the situation had flipped, particularly because both sides of it seem to equally qualify as bizarre behaviour.

I’m thinking about getting some sort of cover for the television, a pretty throw or something, just in case it happens again. But I worry this will make me almost scared of the television. Not the television itself, just the chance of the whole thing happening again.

It’s unsettling.

RGW xx

*”Longview” Green Day… thank you for the words

“So watch my back and keep the blade…”

“So watch my back and keep the blade…”*

He’s back.

The one who’s actions prompted me to start a blog, the negative inspiration for my very first post; the latest in a long line of abandoners when my truth clashes with theirs.

He just rolls up like he never fled, like he never bailed out and left me in a mental mess. A ‘Hey, baby, what’s going on?’ and I’m just suppose to suck it up and carry on like normal?

It hurts… really fucking hurts. He lasted the longest and I thought I had really made some progress this time; finally a friend that understood and would support me, take the good and the bad with a smile and still be there the next day. And he did.

Until he walked away.

It took me a while to stop expecting him to contact me. When I knew it was holding me back I took the terrifying choice to start this blog, a way to move past it and start over.

But now he’s back.

And I’m a great believer in fate. The fact that he’s back within hours of my first blog post is making me think it’s a sign – that I should trust him again and let him back in.

But I’ve been burnt by that particular fire once before – I’ve got the scars to prove it… worse than that really because a scar would imply that it’s healed when really it still burns.

RGW xx

*”Fake Your Death” My Chemical Romance… thank you for the words.